Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Visiting Family

Our cousins from Florida are visiting.
So, today we went to a REALLY BIG smorgasboard for lunch. Then we went to the REALLY BIG gift shop at the place and had fun there (who knew you could have fun in a gift shop?!) But we did...

Then we came home and they came over too!
We had a great time. My brothers, our 2 second cousins, and I went on a LONG walk...
it was only long because whenever Mikey would start going down a hill on his skateboard, the rest of us would turn around and go the other way, it was fun.
When we got back to the house (finally) we all chatted for a little bit.

But they had to leave soon after that, though... before they could we HAD to get pictures with them.
So EVERYONE pulled out their camera's and we got pictures of everybody.

What an awsome day!

I'll have to show you some pictures soon!

Til Later,


Essential Oil Premier University said...

Family visits. . . nothing better in the whole, entire world. FAMILY is EVERYTHING!!!!

Enjoy your visit.



Gayla said...

Thanks for visiting Oatmeal and Whimsy. You'll have to let me know how the book club book was received! It sounds interesting.. Hugs...